Call of duty black ops cold war campaign install ps5
Call of duty black ops cold war campaign install ps5

call of duty black ops cold war campaign install ps5

Some games, especially newly released ones, may have an unhealthy dose of bugs. If you are getting the CE-34878-0 error code when playing Black Ops Cold War, it may be due to one of the factors below. What are the reasons for Black Ops Cold War error code CE-34878-0?

call of duty black ops cold war campaign install ps5

Some PS4 users may encounter this error due to a random game bug while some may have it on their console due to a corrupted software, hard drive, or a malfunctioning hardware.įor many who come across this error, the game crashes but then returns back to normal, usually after an update. This is a general error so there’s no single trigger for all cases. What does CE-34878-0 error code on Black Ops Cold War mean?ĬE-34878-0 is a common error code in PlayStation 4 consoles and it typically indicates that the game has stopped working unexpectedly. If you are also getting the error and you have no idea where to begin your troubleshooting, this guide should help. The internet rush hour peaks between 7-11 PM, and so setting the update to download after that time (eg overnight) could speed it up.We’ve got reports of some PS4 players experiencing the CE-34878-0 error code when playing COD Black Ops Cold War. The same issues may happen - depending on where you live and your internet setup - when downloading at peak times. Indeed, even if you download the game, the server issues could mean you might not even be able to play. When Activision first releases its updates, players often wreak havoc on servers, which could impact your download time. If you're among the select few who can patiently wait rather than immediately downloading the latest update, postponing your download could be beneficial. READ MORE: How to fix Black Ops: Cold War Stuck on Loading Screen Avoid downloading Black Ops Cold War update at peak times If you don't have an ethernet cable available, even moving your setup closer to your Wi-Fi router could at least temporarily solve some of your internet issues for long enough to download the update. With a new Black Ops Cold War update on its way, now is the perfect excuse to set up your wired connection- whether with just an ethernet connection, or a powerline adaptor too.

Call of duty black ops cold war campaign install ps5